Saturday, March 23, 2013

RISE:2013 highlights: Kinect rehab, Lego lobsters, 3D printed tech and more

RISE2013 hightlights Kinect rehab, Lego lobsters, 3D printed embedded tech and more

We were excited and honored when the administration at Northeastern University asked us to help judge its RISE:2013 Research, Innovation and Scholarship Expo. The event, held at the physical education center on the school's Boston campus, brings together an incredibly diverse array of research projects covering a impressive number of fields, including physical and life sciences, engineering, humanities, arts & design, computer and information sciences, health sciences, law, business and social sciences.

As you might imagine, scoring works across such a diverse array of concentrations is no easy task. We did, however, manage to pull out a handful of projects that will no doubt be of particular interest to our own readership. The list includes the use of a Kinect camera and PC for physical rehabilitation, the 3D printing of embedded electrical technologies, a Lego set that helps bridge the gap between crustacean and robot and a device that employs an Arduino board and video games to help stroke victims recover motor skills. Check out a video of all of the above just after the break.

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Cyprus scrambles to raise $7.5 billion by Monday after Russian rebuff

The lines at bank cash machines in Cyprus are growing longer and in some cases angrier. The European Central Bank has given the island's government until Monday to find its six billion euro share of the bailout or - it says - it'll pull the plug on the rest of the cash and banks will face collapse. The banks themselves remain closed. Faisal Islam of Channel Four Europe reports.

By Michele Kambas and Lidia Kelly, Reuters

The Cypriot finance minister left Moscow empty-handed on Friday after Russia turned down appeals for aid, leaving the island to strike a bailout deal with the European Union before Tuesday or face the collapse of its financial system.

The rebuff left Cyprus looking increasingly isolated, with the deadline looming to find billions of euros demanded by the EU in return for a 10 billion euro ($12.93 billion) bailout.

Without it, the European Central Bank said on Wednesday it would cut off emergency funds to the country's teetering banks, potentially pushing Cyprus out of Europe's single currency.

"The talks have ended as far as the Russian side is concerned," Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told reporters after two days of crisis talks with his Cypriot counterpart, Michael Sarris.

Banks are closed on Cyprus but the ATM's are still dispensing cash as the government tries to avert a financial crisis.'s Dara Brown reports.

Having angrily rejected a proposed levy on tax deposits in exchange for the EU bailout, Nicosia had turned to the Kremlin to renegotiate a loan deal, win more financing and lure Russian investors to cut-price Cypriot banks and gas reserves.

Wealthy Russians have billions of euros at stake in Cyprus's outsized and now crippled banking sector.

But Siluanov said Russian investors were not interested in Cypriot gas and that the talks had ended without result.

Sarris was due to fly home, where lawmakers were preparing to debate measures proposed by the government to raise at least some of the 5.8 billion euros ($7.48 billion) required to clinch the EU bailout.

They included a "solidarity fund" bundling state assets, including future gas revenues and nationalized pension funds, as the basis for an emergency bond issue and likened by JP Morgan to "a national fire sale".

They were also considering a bank restructuring bill that officials said would see the country's second largest lender, Cyprus Popular Bank, split into good and bad assets, and a government call for the power to impose capital controls to stem a flood of funds leaving the island when banks reopen on Tuesday after a week-long shutdown.

'Playing with fire'
There was no silver bullet, however, and Cyprus's partners in the 17-nation currency bloc were growing increasingly unimpressed.

To help pay for the $13 billion European bailout, the government plans to take up to 10 percent from all savings accounts, angering those who say they aren't responsible for the economic crisis. CNBC's Sue Herera reports.

"I still believe we will get a settlement, but Cyprus is playing with fire," Volker Kauder, a leading conservative ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told public television ARD.

There were long lines at ATMs on Thursday and angry scenes outside parliament, where hundreds of demonstrators gathered after rumors spread that Popular Bank would be closed down and its staff laid off.

"We have children studying abroad, and next month we need to send them money," protester Stalou Christodoulido said through tears. "We'll lose what money we had and saved for so many years if the bank goes down."

Cypriots have been stunned by the pace of the unfolding drama, having elected conservative President Nicos Anastasiades barely a month ago on a mandate to secure a bailout. News that the deal would involve a levy on bank deposits, even for smaller savers, outraged Cypriots, who raided cash machines last weekend.


EU to Cypriots: Let us raid your savings or no bailout

Cyprus bailout backlash poses little wider risk - for now

Full business coverage from NBC News

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Friday, March 22, 2013

FAA to close 149 air traffic towers under cuts

(AP) ? Under orders to trim hundreds of millions of dollars from its budget, the Federal Aviation Administration released a final list Friday of 149 air traffic control facilities that it will close at small airports around the country starting early next month.

The closures will not force the shutdown of any of those airports, but pilots will be left to coordinate takeoffs and landings among themselves over a shared radio frequency with no help from ground controllers under procedures that all pilots are trained to carry out.

The plan has raised concerns since a preliminary list of facilities was released a month ago. Those worries include the impact on safety and the potential financial effect on communities that rely on airports as key economic engines for attracting businesses and tourists.

"We will work with the airports and the operators to ensure the procedures are in place to maintain the high level of non-towered airports," FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said in a statement.

The FAA is being forced to trim $637 million for the rest of the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30. The agency said it had no choice but to subject most of its 47,000 employees, including tower controllers, to periodic furloughs and to close air traffic facilities at small airports with lighter traffic. The changes are part of the across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration, which went into effect March 1.

All of the airports targeted for tower shutdowns have fewer than 150,000 total flight operations per year. Of those, fewer than 10,000 are commercial flights by passenger airlines.

Airport directors, pilots and others in the aviation sector have argued that stripping away an extra layer of safety during the most critical stages of flight will elevate risks and at the very least slow years of progress in making the U.S. aviation network the safest in the world.

Airlines have yet to say whether they will continue offering service to airports that lose tower staff. Any scaling back of passenger service could have major economic impact for communities.

Mark Hanna, director of the Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport in Springfield, Ill., says without ground controllers as backup the risk to operate "goes up exponentially," especially at airports like his, which have such a broad mix of aircraft types: everything from privately operated Piper Cubs to the larger passenger planes of United and American airlines.

That an aviation sector as sensitive as air traffic control could become subject to political brinkmanship in Washington was especially frustrating, he said.

Hoping to escape the final cut, he and other airport directors were left to argue with the FAA about whether the closure of their facilities would adversely affect what the agency described in a letter as the "national interest."

Associated Press


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Pentagon ponders Gitmo overhaul amid growing detainee unrest

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images file

A U.S. Army guard stands ready in a "pod" inside the Camp 6 detention facility at the U.S. Naval Station Oct. 2, 2007 in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Modeled on maximum security prisons in the United States, Camp 5 and Camp 6 allow easier observation of detainees with fewer guards.

By Michael Isikoff, NBC News

The Pentagon is considering plans for a $150 million overhaul of the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -- including building a new dining hall, hospital and barracks for the guards -- as part of an ambitious project recommended by the top general in charge of its operations, officials tell NBC News. ???

The proposed spending spree comes amid mounting signs of unrest among Guantanamo detainees that lawyers say is threatening their? lives. U.S. military officials confirmed Wednesday that the number of hunger strikers at Guantanamo has more than tripled in the last two weeks -- from 7 to 25 -- and that eight of them are being force fed through tubes. Defense lawyers said in a letter to Congress this week they have gotten reports that ?over two dozen men have lost consciousness.?

The most expensive prison that the U.S. maintains, Guantanamo Bay, may get a $150 million overhaul while remaining detainees engage in a hunger strike. NBC National Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff reports.

U.S. military officials denied any lives were in danger but acknowledged that resistance and frustration among the detainees is growing, a development that a senior general said is because they are ?devastated? that President Barack Obama?s pledge to shut down the facility has not been fulfilled.

?They had great optimism that Guantanamo would be closed,? said Gen. John Kelly, the commander of the U.S. Southern Command, when asked about the hunger strikes during testimony before the House Armed Services Committee. ?They were devastated, apparently? when the president backed off -- at least their perception -- of closing the facility.

?He said nothing about it in his inauguration speech,? Kelly continued, referring to President Obama. ?He said nothing about it in his State of the Union speech. He has said nothing about it. He's not -- he's not restaffing the office that? looks at closing the facility.?

White House officials say they remain committed to closing Guantanamo but have been blocked from doing so by Congress, leading officials to close the small State Department office charged with finding new homes for the detainees. At the same time, Kelly ?- who took over as Southcom commander last year -- began laying the groundwork for a substantial overhaul of Guantanamo, testifying that many of the buildings there are ?falling apart.?

Brennan Linsley / AP file

A Guantanamo detainee, center, is escorted by U.S. military personnel on the grounds of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base, Cuba, in this May 15, 2007, file photo reviewed by U.S. Department of Defense Official.

?Gitmo seems to be the one place they don?t care about spending money,? said David Remes, a defense lawyer who represents detainees, noting that the plans for the overhaul are moving forward even as the sequester is forcing costs and layoffs throughout the government.

?They will spare no expense to keep these men there rather than bring them to the United States.?

Guantanamo is already considered the country?s most expensive prison per capita by far, with an operating budget this year of nearly $177 million, which means that taxpayers are paying more than $1 million for the care and maintenance of the 166 detainees.

But Lt. Cmdr. Ron Flanders, a spokesman for the Southern Command, told NBC News that Kelly has recommended substantial new spending that includes nearly $100 million slotted to build new barracks for the 848 guards stationed at the facility. The current guard barracks are plagued by mold, he said.

In addition, Flanders said, Kelly has signed off on construction projects that include:

- a new $12 million dining hall for the troops;

- a new $11.2 million hospital and medical units for the detainees;

- a $9.9 million ?legal meeting complex? where lawyers can meet their detainee clients;

- a $10.8 million ?communications network facility? to store data, including computer records and tapes of interrogations, which has been required by a federal court order.

All these projects have been signed off by Kelly in the last few months and been forwarded to the Pentagon, where they are being reviewed by budget officials in Secretary Chuck Hagel?s office, Flanders said.

At the same time, Flanders said, the operations budget for Guantanamo has already increased substantially this year with the construction of a $40 million fiber optic cable being built from south Florida to the facility in Cuba. The cable is needed to improve Internet access, thereby allowing officials to have improved live video feeds of the military commission proceedings of the Sept. 11 hijackers.

In his testimony, Kelly emphasized that the costs of running Guantanamo are substantially higher because of its remote location at a U.S. military base on the eastern tip of Cuba.

?Everything that?s built down there is at least twice as expensive,? said Kelly. ?So a ten-penny nail costs 20 cents. So, everything is more expensive. So we have to take care of the barracks. We have to replace the dining hall?It?s literally falling apart.

?And there?s other projects?none of them have to do with creature comforts for the detainees. They?re already living humanely and comfortably, acknowledging the fact they?re in jail.?


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Obama says 'there is still time' to find diplomatic solution to Iran nuke dispute; Netanyahu hints at impatience

During his visit to Israel, President Obama said a diplomatic solution is still possible in dealing with a nuclear Iran. When addressing Israeli-Palestinian peace prospects, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel remains "fully committed to peace." NBC's Chuck Todd reports.

By Tracy Connor, Alastair Jamieson and Ian Johnston, NBC News

On his first state visit to Israel, President Barack Obama said Wednesday the United States ?will do what is necessary? to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and was praised by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his resolve.

During a joint press conference peppered with warm exchanges, two leaders who have not always seen eye to eye stressed points of agreement, even clarifying that both Israel and the U.S. believe it would take about a year for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon,

But there were also some signs of disagreement.

While Obama said ?there is still time? to find a diplomatic solution to the problem of Iran?s uranium-enrichment program, Netanyahu emphasized the clock is ticking.

Oliwer Weiken / EPA

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (second right) and President Shimon Peres (left) welcome President Barack Obama to Israel Wednesday. All three emphasized the enduring friendship between the U.S. and Israel.

?Whatever time is left, there?s not a lot of time,? he said.

Praising Obama for mobilizing the international community, Netanyahu noted that ?diplomacy and sanctions so far have not stopped Iran's nuclear program? and called for a ?clear and credible threat of military action.?

Responding that all options are on the table, Obama said, ?We will do what is necessary to prevent Iran from getting the world's worst weapons.?

Still, he suggested that the U.S. and Israel might have different timetables for how and when to respond.

?Each country has to make its own decisions when it comes to the awesome decision to engage in any kind of military action. And Israel is differently situated than the United States,? Obama said.

Netanyahu also spoke of ?different vulnerabilities? but stressed the common ground.

?I appreciate the fact that the president has reaffirmed, more than any other president, Israel's right and duty to defend itself, by itself, against any threat,? he said.

The press conference, in which both men made statements and answered four questions,?also focused on the situation in Syria and the prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace.

?Israel remains fully committed to peace and to the solution of two states for two peoples,? Netanyahu said, adding that he hoped Obama?s visit and his meeting Thursday with Palestinian officials in the West Bank would ?help us turn a page in our relations with the Palestinian people.?

Asked about claims that Syrian President Bashar Assad?s regime used chemical weapons Tuesday, Obama said the U.S. is still investigating but he is ?deeply skeptical? of the government?s allegation that the opposition deployed the weapons.

?I believe Assad must go and I believe he will go,? Obama said.?

Meeting with Peres
The question-and-answer session came hours after Obama declared that Israel has "no greater friend than the United States," following a meeting with Israel?s President Shimon Peres.

Ammar Awad / Reuters

Palestinian demonstrators hold placards, some depicting President Barack Obama dressed as an Israeli soldier during a protest in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday.

Peres warmly praised Obama as ?very knowledgeable,? adding there could be ?no better? leader to take the peace process forward. He also thanked Obama for the ?lots of sleepless nights? the president had endured in support of Israel.

Earlier Wednesday, Obama was met at Tel Aviv's airport by Netanyahu and Peres, along with a military band and a host of other officials and dignitaries.

All three men gave speeches that emphasized the friendship between the U.S. and Israel ? Netanyahu spoke of the ?unbreakable alliance,? Obama the ?unbreakable bond.?

Obama, who began his speech with ?shalom,? said he was ?confident in declaring that our alliance is eternal.?

?The United States is proud to stand with you as your strongest ally and your greatest friend,? he said.

He said it was not an accident that he had made the first overseas trip of his second term in office to Israel.

?Across this region, the winds of change bring both promise and peril,? Obama said, likely a reference to the Arab Spring uprisings that saw an Islamist president voted into power in Egypt and a civil war erupt in Syria.

In his speech, Netanyahu thanked Obama for ?standing by Israel at this time of historic change in the Middle East.?

?We deeply appreciate your friendship and we share your hope that the Middle East will enjoy a future of freedom, prosperity and peace,? he added.

President Barack Obama leaves Tuesday for his first ever trip to Israel as president and the White House is already lowering expectations for that visit. The New York Times' Elizabeth Bumiller, USA Today's Susan Page and The Washington Post's Ruth Marcus discuss.

Picking up on comments Obama made before the trip ?- expressing the desire to put on a disguise and go to a Tel Aviv bar -- Netanyahu joked that he had lined up a few locations and ?even picked out a fake mustache for you.?

Obama also viewed an ?Iron Dome? air defense missile launcher, a?U.S.-funded system that was brought to the airport for him to see. The system has helped protect Israelis from Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza.

?On Thursday, the president will meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank, where he can expect a mixed reception.

"It's not a positive visit," Wasel Abu Yousef, a senior official in the Palestine Liberation Organization, which is led by Abbas, told Reuters.

In Ramallah on Tuesday, Palestinian police scuffled with scores of demonstrators protesting Obama's visit.

Obama is likely to offer reassurance that the U.S. still supports the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

However, little progress on the peace process is expected during the trip.

'Horrible conclusion'
In an editorial Wednesday, the Haaretz newspaper said it would ?take a good bit of imagination to expect a breakthrough over the next two days.?

?Here lies the central danger of the visit. The Israeli government and public could conclude, based on the polite tone of the president and the lack of a threat or demonstrative pressure, that Israel is now exempt from having to initiate steps toward resuming the peace process,? it wrote.

?This would be a horrible conclusion. Obama and the United States are not a party to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The president of the United States is not the one who must live in a society that is being transformed as a result of the occupation and pushed to the margins of the international community,? it added.

The Jerusalem Post said that there would ?admittedly? be ?little if any headway? on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

However, its editorial said the visit would be more than just a ?charm offensive,? given the war in Syria and the prospect of Iran getting a nuclear weapon. Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful means only.

?As the leader of the Jewish people, who have been threatened with destruction by Iran?s leaders, Netanyahu wants assurances that the U.S. will launch a military strike if necessary to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran,? the Post wrote.

?Ideally, he would also like to define a mutually agreed upon ?red line? or the point at which it has been determined that diplomacy and sanctions are useless and military action must be taken,? it added.

Reuters contributed to this report.


Rough ride ahead for Obama as Palestinians, Israelis lukewarm over visit

Israel to grill Obama over possible military strike on Iran

Plenty to discuss as Obama heads to Israel

Syria chaos looms large over Obama's Israel trip

This story was originally published on


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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Archos GamePad arrives in the States for $179

Archos GamePad arrives in the States for around $180

Tired of waiting for the WikiPad? Needing some immediate gratification for your thumbs? Willing to consider Archos to fill that void? If your answer to all three was a mighty, "Aye!" then you'll be glad to know that the Archos GamePad is now for sale in the US at various online retailers. The portable gaming system combines Android 4.1, a 7-inch 1,024 x 600 screen and honest-to-goodness physical buttons, all within a 0.3-inch thick enclosure that's priced between $179 and $189. The GamePad sports a 1.6GHz dual-core CPU and a Mali-400 MP GPU, and while it may lack the cachet of the WikiPad, it has the distinct advantage of being available now. And you know what? Sometimes, that's all that matters.

[Thanks, Duncan]

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Source: Adorama Camera, Amazon, Google Shopping


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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Michigan woman, 75, convicted of murdering grandson

Todd Mcinturf / The Detroit News via AP

Sandra Layne is shackled after she was convicted Tuesday, March 19, in Pontiac, Mich., of second-degree murder in the shooting death of her grandson last year.

By M. Alex Johnson, staff writer, NBC News

A 75-year-old Michigan woman was convicted of second-degree murder charges Tuesday for shooting her 17-year-old grandson to death last year.

Sandra Layne of West Bloomfield, northwest of Detroit, was held without bond pending a sentencing hearing April 18, NBC station WDIV of Detroit reported.

In addition to the murder charge, Layne was also convicted of possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony in the shooting. Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper told WDIV that Layne was likely to face 12 to 20 years in prison for the murder conviction, plus two years for the firearms violation.

Jurors were given the option of deciding whether Layne committed first-degree murder, but they chose the lesser charge.

The death of Layne's grandson, Jonathan Hoffman, on May 18, 2012, made national headlines after it was disclosed that he was shot in the chest multiple times as he was calling 911.

Jurors were played audio of the 911 calls, in which Jonathan frantically told a dispatcher that he had been shot by his grandmother and was going to die. Although investigators previously said they found eight entry and exit wounds in his body, prosecutors said Monday during closing arguments?that he was actually shot 10 times.

Layne, who took the stand and admitted having shot Jonathan, said she had bought a gun to protect herself because her grandson sometimes brought strangers home late at night to the condominium unit they shared. She said she felt threatened and shot Jonathan in self-defense after he demanded her car and $2,000 so he could leave the state.

Jonathan's parents are divorced, and his father has previously said his son was living with his maternal grandparents while he finished classes at an alternative high school in nearby Farmington.

Jerome Sabota, Layne's attorney, told jurors in closing arguments Monday that Jonathan had a violent temper and that he used synthetic marijuana.

"Think about somebody that's 73 or 74 and this behavior is occurring in her presence," Sabota said. "She was in hysteria. She was afraid and reacted to his physical attack. That's why killed him. That's why she shot."

But Assistant County Prosecutor Paul Walton said in his closing arguments that Layne never complained of injuries and told police when they arrived at the home that she had killed her grandson.

"The first thing that she says to (the police officers) is, 'I murdered my grandson,'" Walton said.

Follow M. Alex Johnson on Twitter and Facebook.

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If the Housing Market Is Turning Around, Why Has Home Builder ...

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013
By Michael Lombardi, MBA for Profit Confidential

According to data released by CoreLogic, at the end of 2012, 21.5% of all the homes with a mortgage in the U.S. had negative equity. This means that 10.4 million homes in the U.S. housing market are still underwater; their home prices are lower than the mortgages on them. (Source: Wall Street Journal, March 18, 2013.)

Those who are close to the U.S. housing market?home builders?are turning pessimistic. Home builders? confidence has been declining for three consecutive months. In March, the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI) dropped two points from February?reduced to 44. Any reading below 50 indicates home builders are viewing the condition as poor, rather than good. (Source: National Association of Home Builders, March 18, 2013.)

With all this said, there is still optimism among the mainstream that the increase in home prices means that a housing market recovery is underway. It is true that home prices in the U.S. housing market have increased marginally; but let the truth be known: they are still down nearly 30% since the housing slump began in 2007.

For the 10.4 million homeowners living in their homes with negative equity, their home prices will have to go up, on average, by more than 40% for them to just break even.

As I have repeatedly been saying in these pages, an essential ingredient of a real housing market recovery is missing from the action: first-time home buyers.

Dear reader, we all know the reason behind why home prices are increasing in the U.S. housing market; it?s the institutional investors who are driving demand. They are buying homes and renting them out, because the returns from doing so are better than the returns big investors can get from the bond market or the risky stock market.

I?m still not convinced that there is any recovery in the U.S. housing market. I will consider the U.S. housing market to be in a rebound when I see first-time home buyers pouring in?and right now, that?s not the case. At the same time, I would consider it a recovery when we see a decline in the number of homes with negative equity.

Where the Market Stands; Where It?s Headed:

As I started writing in these pages back in 2009, the primary purpose of a Phase II secular bear market (what we are in now) is to lure investors back into stocks under the premise that the economy is improving and stocks are a safe bet again. That?s exactly where we are now. Caution is warranted.

What He Said:

?For the economy the message from retail stocks is quite clear: Consumers spending, which accounts for roughly 70% of U.S. GDP, is in jeopardy. After having spent like ?drunkards? during the real estate boom years, consumer spending is taking the same trend as housing prices, slowing down faster than most analysts and economists had predicted. As news of the recession continues to make headlines in the popular media, the psychological spending mood of consumers will continue to deteriorate, lowering earnings at most high-end retailers and bringing their stock prices down even further.? Michael Lombardi in Profit Confidential, January 28, 2008. According to the Dow Jones Retail Index, retail stocks fell 39% from January 2008 to November 2008.

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What's Up with Housing Inventory? - Summit County Colorado Real ...

Question: ?What?s Up with Housing Inventory?

I am excited to have Chip Wagner, an icon in the appraisal industry and friend of ?Keeping Matters Current? as a guest writer today.? Although Chip?s observations are primarily about Chicago- it?s a great ?primer? to remind us of how the housing sector works and it is relevant to the majority of the country.? I?ve said it before, and I?ll say it again ? remember that the Summit County Real Estate market tends to lag behind Denver and the national economy by about 18-24 months, historically. Enjoy this information from Chip!

It?s All About Supply and Demand

Definitions of?Supply and Demand:


In classical economic theory, the relation between these two factors determines the price of a commodity. This relationship is thought to be the driving force in a free market. As demand for an item increases, prices rise. When manufacturers respond to the price increase by producing a larger supply of that item, this increases competition and drives the price down.

In real estate appraisal context, the principle of Supply and Demand states that:

The price of real property varies directly, but not necessarily proportionately, with demand and inversely, but not necessarily proportionately, with supply.

My most simple explanation of Supply and Demand is: It is the relationship between sellers present in a market, which is the supply; and buyers looking, which is the demand. This relationship is reported in months? supply of inventory.

So, what is the latest challenge?

Some (or most) might say that there are not enough ?good? homes for sale. This could represent a shortage of supply, something we have not talked about for several years. It is allowing sellers to raise their asking prices and buyers who have been ?shopping around? are now willing to pay higher prices based on other homes they are comparing and/or contemplating to the home that they want.

Why aren?t there many ?good? homes for sale?

There are several contributing factors:

1. New construction ? We are seeing new construction picking up again at all price points, which is certainly a positive. But with fewer builders, and more conservative approaches after getting burned, builders are not keeping up with the demand that is present. This is leaving buyers searching for resales. And because of the slowdown in new construction, (few new homes were built between 2007 and 2012) the nearly-new resales rarely exist.

Lack of new construction is a contributing factor as many builders folded or downsized significantly over the past 5-6 years.

2. Foreclosures ? Foreclosures are a trend that is affecting supply of inventory. Banks are slower at foreclosing, in some cases taking over 3 years through the process. In some cases, the buyers aren?t even interested in these properties, and the investors are picking up these properties and flipping them at a profit.

Foreclosure properties, once viewed as a deal perhaps 25% to 40% under market values, are now being sold at only a 7% discount according to

3. Investors ? Investors have entered the market at greater levels, some to purchase properties to rent, others to rehab and flip them. With the high inventory, investors were able to seek out the best deals, now there are fewer homes available for them.

4. Few people really want to sell at the bottom ? Personally, I think the biggest reason that our inventory is low is simply because everyone wants to buy at the bottom; but what seller really wants to sell their home at the bottom of the market? That being said, there are many sellers who cannot sell.

Recently, I heard Steve Harney?speak at the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World Conference; he stated there are over 10 million people that are still under water and cannot sell their homes. That is a significant number ? these are ?move-up buyers? that will create a domino effect. A portion may also represent the potential downsizing buyers who have that upper priced home to sell. This is a very complicated situation. There are many opportunities in the market as demand continues to surge.

Move-up sellers have pent up demand and are ready to buy ? if they can sell!

Remember, our market dropped 37.6% as a region since 2007 (some areas fell less than 20%, and other areas fell greater than 50%). The buyers with 20% down lost equity in their homes. Buyers with 5% or 10% lost substantial equity in their homes. If they sell today, they don?t have the down payment necessary for that next home.

Various predictions by ?experts? suggest our recovery may be anywhere between 2% and 8% annually. At a conservative 4% annual rate of recovery, it is 5 more years before we can reach 20%. ?Those who last purchased their home between 2006 and 2008 are being hurt the hardest in today?s market.

One positive is that renters are ready to purchase. Generation X and Y buyers now believe in homeownership; they want to get out of renting apartments because rents continue to go higher than taking out a mortgage. Interest rates remain at historic lows, with no indication of a significant increase of rates on the horizon.

Back to Supply and Demand ?

A balanced supply of inventory is considered to be 4 to 6 months. A balanced supply is going to be neutral in pricing, while an undersupply is going to lead to upward pressure on prices ? a Seller?s Market. An oversupply will lead to downward pressure on prices ? a Buyer?s Market.

Our supply of inventory is at its lowest level since the end of 2006 and most areas have been reduced to a balanced supply of inventory, with undersupply observed in many sub-markets in the region.

The anticipation is that the pricing will continue to be pressured upward as the desirable properties (in terms of location and condition/modernization) will be gobbled up. Remember the multiple-contracts driving up values last decade? Many agents are now experiencing these trends again.

Get ready for a wild and crazy ride as our real estate market is pulled and pushed in all directions in 2013

Here are a few things to watch?

  • Watch the days on market (DOM). Take time to understand if an area?s high DOM may be due to stale listings of homes that are overpriced, distressed and/or in inferior condition.
  • Trend the increasing Sales Price-to-List Price ratios?- in many sub-markets that I appraise in, I have seen these trend from 93% to 96% or higher just in the past year.
  • Track the number of pendings in relationship to the number of listings? One appraiser friend of mine tracks this and calls this ?market velocity.? Right now, I see some areas where there have more pendings than listings in a given sub-market.
  • Are the pendings priced higher than the previous sales prices? Another indication of an increasing market that I am seeing in many areas.

Welcome to, we all hope, the Slow and Steady Housing Market Recovery!


For answers to your real estate questions, call Allison at 970-468-6800. Email - Her philosophy is simple, whether buying or selling, she understands that the most important real estate transaction is yours. ?Want to know the value of your Summit County property? Visit ?


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Pregnant women's likelihood of Cesarean delivery in Massachusetts linked to choice of hospitals

Mar. 18, 2013 ? There is wide variation in the rate of cesarean sections performed at different hospitals across the U.S. and one explanation has been that hospitals with higher c-section rates serve greater numbers of women at high risk for the procedure. Now, a new study by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health provides the strongest evidence to date that it's not just medical need that determines who has c-sections, but also something at the hospital level -- in other words, the same woman would have a different chance of undergoing a c-section based on the hospital she chooses.

The findings suggest that certain hospitals' high rates of cesarean births have more to do with characteristics of the hospitals themselves than with characteristics of their patients.

"Even after taking into account factors that put women at risk of having a c-section, such as age, and pre-existing health conditions, some hospitals still have higher rates of c-section delivery than others," said senior author S V Subramanian, professor of population health and geography at HSPH. Put simply, for two women with a similar observed risk profile, one might have a c-section delivery and one might not, depending on which hospital they go to, he said.

The study appears in the March 18, 2013 online issue of the journal PLOS ONE.

While c-sections can be a lifesaving procedure for an infant in distress, or when there are multiple births or other labor complications, c-sections that are not medically necessary can put mothers and babies at avoidable risk of infection, extend hospital stays and recoveries, and increase health costs. In spite of these risks, c-section rates have been increasing in the U.S. over the past 17 years. Mirroring the national trend, cesarean deliveries in Massachusetts have increased steadily since 1997. In 2009, about one-third of all births in Massachusetts were by c-section -- up 61% from 1998.

In 2008, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health invited local clinicians and researchers to partner with state health officials in a study to better understand why c-section rates have been rising in Massachusetts. The HSPH, Boston University, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Massachusetts Department of Public Health team, using data from the Pregnancy to Early Life Longitudinal data system, analyzed 228,864 births in Massachusetts' 49 hospitals with maternity services from 2004-2006 -- 98% of all births during that period.

The researchers found that about 27% of first-time mothers in Massachusetts having single, vertex (head-first) presentation, full-term infants from 2004-2006 had c-sections. C-section rates in Massachusetts hospitals varied from 14% to 38% even among this low-risk group.

Previous research had been unable to offer clear answers on whether variations in hospitals' c-section rates had simply to do with hospitals' different case mix. But the new research findings, say the authors, show with more certainty that a mother's risk of c-section really is influenced by her choice of hospital. "This is the first time that anyone has shown this problem exists right here in Massachusetts, which is widely considered to be one of the world's premier health care hubs," said Mariana Arcaya, research scientist at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies and co-author of the study.

The findings suggest that hospital practices and culture are important determinants of a hospital's c-section rate, said lead author Isabel A. C?ceres, who was an epidemiologist at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health at the time of the study. Though this study did not pinpoint which hospital factors were at play, the authors highlighted previous studies suggesting that liability and insurance, being a teaching hospital, hospital admission practices, and the presence of midwives may influence c-section rates. Lack of clinical guidelines or standards on when a cesarean should be performed also may help explain why hospital rates are so variable.

The researchers said that hospitals should re-examine their procedures for deciding when to perform c-sections to make sure that medical need -- not other factors such as doctor preferences or fear of liability -- determine how babies are delivered.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Harvard School of Public Health, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Isabel A. C?ceres, Mariana Arcaya, Eugene Declercq, Candice M. Belanoff, Vanitha Janakiraman, Bruce Cohen, Jeffrey Ecker, Lauren A. Smith, S. V. Subramanian. Hospital Differences in Cesarean Deliveries in Massachusetts (US) 2004?2006: The Case against Case-Mix Artifact. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (3): e57817 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057817

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mozilla Plans To Improve Firefox Developer Tools With In-Browser Editing, Better Firebug Integration, Network Panel & More

firefox-logo-250Last week, Mozilla technology evangelist Paul Rouget asked web developers what improvements they wanted to see in Firefox’s developer tools. Based on the feedback the team got on HackerNews and Twitter, the Firefox DevTools team spent the last week hacking and prototyping a number of new and improved developer features that will likely find their way into a stable version of Firefox in the future. The number one request, Rouget writes, was to make it easier for developers to code in the browser and control the browser from editors and integrated development environments (IDEs). The team is exploring two approaches for this right now. The DevTools team built a proof of concept that shows live editing using the popular Sublime Text editor and Firefox’s built-in remote capabilities. In addition, though, Mozilla is also looking at adding an editor right into Firefox. This wouldn’t be the first time for Mozilla to look into a browser-based editor. Back in 2009, Mozilla started working on Bespin, which later became Skywriter, but this project is now inactive. With the CSS and HTML editor Thimble, however, Mozilla recently picked up this idea again and while Rouget writes that the organization is still trying to figure out what a new editor in the DevTools could look like, there is clearly some expertise for how to build browser-based text editors at Mozilla. Another feature developers asked for is a Chrome- and Firebug-like network panel and timeline; the team already developed a prototype that makes it easier to see how a web app uses the network. The Firefox team is also working to improve the browser’s compatibility. Currently, Rouget writes, “if you’re a Firebug user, the Firefox DevTools might get in your way.” To ensure that doesn’t happen, Mozilla will add an option to disable the “inspect” menu from the context menu and the team is also looking for ways to integrate Firebug in the DevTools box. Other improvements the team is working on include the ability to dock tools on the right side of the browser (already working in Firefox Nightly), support for CoffeeScript and debugging minimized CSS and JavaScript files, as well as the ability to see what gets repainted on a page (also currently available in Firefox Nightly). Rouget notes that the team is also working on a number of other features (visualizing event bindings, offline storage tools and pseudo elements inspection). Most of these


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Emma Watson not locked into 'Fifty Shades'

Ian Gavan / Getty Images file

By Erin O'Sullivan, Access Hollywood

For fiction fans hoping to have their ?Harry Potter? heroine disrobe for the ?Fifty Shades? film trilogy, sorry ? it?s probably not happening.

After reports from hacker collective Anonymous this week claimed they had stolen documents from German studio Constantin Film?s servers proving Emma Watson was attached to star in ?Fifty Shades of Grey,? the actress slammed the report on Twitter.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: "Fifty Shades Of Grey": The celeb fans & fantasy castings

?Who here actually thinks I would do '50 Shades of Grey' as a movie? Like really. For real. In real life,? the 22-year-old beauty posted on Sunday, of the buzz claiming she?ll play Anastasia Steele in the highly anticipated film version of E L James? steamy novel.

After hundreds of fans responded (most saying they don?t believe Emma would ever sign on for the erotic role) and the Tweet was re-Tweeted nearly 35,000 times, the actress responded.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: "Harry Potter" Stars: Then & now

"Good. Well that?s that sorted then,? she wrote, later adding a smiley face.

Additionally, on Friday, ?Fifty Shades? author E L James also took to Twitter to address the rumor, writing, ?There have been no casting decisions made about Fifty Shades.?

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Apple's New Ad Campaign Will Subtly Combat The - Business Insider

Just two days after?Samsung announced its Galaxy S4 smartphone, Apple unleashed a new advertising campaign that highlights why people love their iPhones.

The "Why-iPhone" page on Apple's website introduces a subtle shift in Apple's advertising: focusing on people and not just the the features of its product.

Samsung has been scoring points for its "people-based" ads, notes MacRumors' Eric Slivka, who first spotted Apple's new Web campaign.

Even former Apple ad man Ken Segall, the guy behind Apple's break out "Think Different" campaign, says that Apple has lost its way with its ads. Apple needs to come up with a more inspiring message to counter Samsung's popular and funny ads, he believes.

Samsung's ads have done everything from mock Apple fans to showcase big names like director Tim Burton and actors Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd.

The new iPhone campaign may not do enough to put people front-and-center. It still mostly focuses on a list of features, mentioning people in subtle ways like this:

"iPhone feels substantial in your hand and perfect in your pocket."

Will such slight changes help Apple combat Samsung's onslaught? More than any other smartphone maker, Samsung has been killing it against Apple. According to BI Intelligence's global smartphone market estimates, Samsung shipped 212 million smartphones in 2012, compared to Apple's 136 million. In the fourth quarter, Samsung accounted for 31 percent of shipments globally, while Apple took a 23 percent share.


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Cross-cultural parenting: Reflections on autonomy and interdependence

Cross-cultural parenting: Reflections on autonomy and interdependence [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Mar-2013
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Contact: Gina DiGravio
Boston University Medical Center

(Boston)--Boston Medical Center pediatricians Laura Johnson, MD, MPH, Jenny Radesky, MD, and Barry Zuckerman, MD, the Joel and Barbara Alpert Professor of Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, have published a paper in the current issue of the journal Pediatrics that addresses how understanding the origins and goals of parenting behaviors can help pediatricians strengthen relationships with families, demonstrate cultural sensitivity, and more effectively offer guidance on the challenges of childrearing.

According to the paper, parenting goals and behavior are strongly influenced by cultural norms and expectations of adult behaviors that are valued by a particular society. They contrast "Western" cultures emphasizing individual autonomy achievement, independence, self-reliance, and self-assertiveness with many Asian, African, and Latino cultures that value interdependence: collective achievement, harmonious collaboration, and sharing. "Many parenting priorities, such as feeding practices, sleeping arrangements, and school and social success, fall somewhere along the spectrum from autonomy to interdependence and are likely affected by the parents' cultural beliefs related to their own upbringing," said Zuckerman. "This can result in some parenting behaviors conflicting with the beliefs of the pediatrician, as well as with policy statements from experts and professional societies based on culturally-bound empirical data, we aim to review a few examples of parenting differences that pediatricians might encounter," he added.

The authors explain that every family is both a unique microcosm and a product of a larger cultural context. The three examples they highlight may be viewed through a cultural lens that promotes autonomy or interdependence. Importantly, these values are not dichotomous but rather exist along a spectrum co-existing sometimes changing over time.

In conclusion the authors state that by eliciting and understanding how cultural norms shape parenting behavior, including the role of extended family, and how they relate to a child's growing autonomy and/or interdependence, pediatricians can help parents gain better insight into what they want for their child and how they address parenting challenges. This approach may encourage parents to more openly discuss their struggles with their child's pediatrician and more readily consider their guidance and advice.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Cross-cultural parenting: Reflections on autonomy and interdependence [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Mar-2013
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Contact: Gina DiGravio
Boston University Medical Center

(Boston)--Boston Medical Center pediatricians Laura Johnson, MD, MPH, Jenny Radesky, MD, and Barry Zuckerman, MD, the Joel and Barbara Alpert Professor of Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, have published a paper in the current issue of the journal Pediatrics that addresses how understanding the origins and goals of parenting behaviors can help pediatricians strengthen relationships with families, demonstrate cultural sensitivity, and more effectively offer guidance on the challenges of childrearing.

According to the paper, parenting goals and behavior are strongly influenced by cultural norms and expectations of adult behaviors that are valued by a particular society. They contrast "Western" cultures emphasizing individual autonomy achievement, independence, self-reliance, and self-assertiveness with many Asian, African, and Latino cultures that value interdependence: collective achievement, harmonious collaboration, and sharing. "Many parenting priorities, such as feeding practices, sleeping arrangements, and school and social success, fall somewhere along the spectrum from autonomy to interdependence and are likely affected by the parents' cultural beliefs related to their own upbringing," said Zuckerman. "This can result in some parenting behaviors conflicting with the beliefs of the pediatrician, as well as with policy statements from experts and professional societies based on culturally-bound empirical data, we aim to review a few examples of parenting differences that pediatricians might encounter," he added.

The authors explain that every family is both a unique microcosm and a product of a larger cultural context. The three examples they highlight may be viewed through a cultural lens that promotes autonomy or interdependence. Importantly, these values are not dichotomous but rather exist along a spectrum co-existing sometimes changing over time.

In conclusion the authors state that by eliciting and understanding how cultural norms shape parenting behavior, including the role of extended family, and how they relate to a child's growing autonomy and/or interdependence, pediatricians can help parents gain better insight into what they want for their child and how they address parenting challenges. This approach may encourage parents to more openly discuss their struggles with their child's pediatrician and more readily consider their guidance and advice.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Mercedes-Benz releases stunning first images of 2014 S-Class

The assignment: Perfection

Stuttgart - The best automobile in the world ? every new generation of
the Mercedes-Benz S-Class has earned this accolade anew for itself.
The logical goal in the book of specifications for the coming model was
therefore: perfection to the last detail. The result is "The Essence of
Luxury". This pursuit of the best or nothing is particularly noticeable in
the interior: whether it is the seats or the air conditioning, the controls or
the design, the infotainment or the comfort and safety in the rear ? new
ideas and their painstaking realisation underpin the high standards that
the engineers have set for the Mercedes-Benz flagship model ? and for

For the first time in the history of the S-Class, the development focus was on
the long-wheelbase sedan. Unlike before, the standard-wheelbase version was
derived from this. This is because the S-Class is not only firmly positioned as a
prestige sedan in the large overseas markets such as the USA, China or Japan.
Whereas in Europe and North America the owner of an S-Class is frequently
behind the wheel themself, the flagship model in the Mercedes-Benz passenger
car portfolio is very definitely a chauffeur-driven vehicle in Asia. The logical
consequence is the number of new features specifically related to comfort and
safety in the rear ? in the S-Class, there is no doubt that passengers in the rear
are also seated in first class.

Not that the driver lacks for anything: the very latest Mercedes-Benz research
findings have been incorporated into his immediate surroundings. These
clearly confirm that certain comfort characteristics have a direct influence
over driver fitness and well being during and after a journey. Comfort is also
conducive to safety.

The new S-Class features highly sophisticated, automatic climate control
functions. The seats likewise lay claim to being the benchmark in automobile
engineering. In both cases this is accompanied by maximum operating
convenience, ensured by numerous actuators and electric motors ? there are Page 4
over 100 of these in the interior alone.

Interior design: visual breadth and calm solidity

With its clear-cut architecture, the interior design of the new S-Class is the
embodiment of a classic, serene and yet ultra-modern sedan. The interior space
derives its expressiveness from a distinctively flowing, sensual and elegant
style. Horizontal features and lines create an ambience characterised by visual
breadth and calm solidity. Where high quality and elegance go hand in hand
with clarity and functionality. The interior concept of the S-Class combines
driving, spatial and operating comfort at the highest level.

The perfectly coordinated use of materials and colours produces an exclusive
interior seemingly cast from a single mould. There is generous use of wood
trim, especially in the dashboard and centre console. Metallised switch
surfaces with pearl-effect paint finishes in three colour shades to suit the
interior colour particularly highlight the outstanding quality.

Passengers in the rear are also seated in first-class ? the design and exclusivity
of the seats, door panels and all controls are to the same, high standard as the
front. As an additional individualization feature, the "First Class Rear"
incorporates a Business center console combining personal comfort with
practical convenience (integration of a telephone handset, additional stowage
compartments, folding table, etc.).

New control and display concept: elegant new command centre
The radically redesigned display extends in front of the driver as a key element
of the horizontal alignment. It replaces the traditional instrument cluster and
combines numerous other functions in a visually and ergonomically highly
sophisticated manner. The entire display appears to be free-floating, an
impression reinforced by "corona effect" ambience backlighting.

Two high-resolution colour displays in 8:3 format with a screen diagonal Page 5
of 30.7 cm (12.3 inches) form the new information centre in the S-Class. The
left-hand display performs the functions of the previous instrument cluster,
providing the driver with all relevant information. The right-hand display
allows the convenient control of infotainment and comfort functions.
Ergonomics, operating convenience and safety were the main considerations
for the newly designed control and display concept.

For the S-Class, the constantly increasing need to integrate additional functions
into the vehicle led to a further development of the entire operating logic. The
aim in designing the control and display features was to group controls and
display functions together in a coherent manner in terms of both design and
functionality. Apart from the new displays, the metallised switch surfaces and
solid aluminium controls are visual highlights of particularly high quality.
Seats: mobile office and centre of wellbeing

With numerous world firsts such as the ENERGIZING massage function on
the hot-stone principle or active seat ventilation with reversing fans,
Mercedes-Benz has raised the seating and climatic comfort in the S-Class
to a new level. There is a choice of five different rear seat variants including
an Executive seat with a backrest angle adjustable by up to 43.5 degrees,
allowing occupants in the rear to concentrate on work or relax in comfort.

A large number of innovations enhance seating and climatic comfort. The
ENERGIZING massage function on the hot-stone principle is a world first.
Working together with physiotherapists and psychologists, the seat
specialists at Mercedes-Benz have developed a unique massage function with
14 separately actuated air cushions in the backrest, as well as an integrated
warming function. There is a choice of six massage programmes, two of them
using the warming function.

For the first time, so-called reversing fans are used in the active seat
ventilation system. Here the rotational direction of the fan, and therefore
the airflow within the seat structure, can be reversed. When the ventilation
function first begins, cooler surrounding air is drawn onto the seat surface.
After four minutes the fans are automatically switched to blower mode to Page 6
reduce draughts and therefore ensure sustained comfort.

Another world first as part of the Warmth Comfort package is the heated
armrests and door centre panels in the front and rear (door and centre
armrests). The package also includes a heated steering wheel and particularly
fast-responding seat heating Plus. Each occupant is able to find the ideal
level of climatic seating comfort. The heating output can be adjusted using
the central display or the remote control in the rear.

Luxury or reclining seat in the rear: new backrest concept

Two rear seat variants (static bench seat or individual seats with 37-degree
adjustment) are available for the standard-wheelbase S-Class, and no less than
five for the long-wheelbase version. Unlike the conventional trailing backrest
design, the backrest is adjusted separately so that the legroom and seat
reference point remain unchanged. The cushion can be separately adjusted for
angle and horizontal position.

The maximum backrest angle of the reclining seat on the front passenger side
is increased from 37 to 43.5 degrees, giving it the largest backrest inclination
in the luxury segment. The reclining seat behind the front passenger seat
features a calf support which is freely adjustable for length and angle. In
combination with the heel rest on the forward-folding chauffeur seat, this
allows a reclined position that sets new standards in the automobile sector
with respect to sleeping and resting comfort.

Three new features improve safety in the rear: in the belt buckle feeder an
electric motor automatically raises and lowers the buckle. The beltbag is an
inflatable seat-belt strap that is able to reduce the risk of injury to passengers
in the rear in a head-on collision by lessening the strain on the ribcage. The
reclining seat is fitted with a cushionbag as standard. This prevents the
occupant from sliding under the belt in the event of an accident. In this way
Mercedes-Benz has been able to design a comfortable reclining seat which
provides a higher level of accident safety than a seat with a trailing backrest.

The newly developed climate control unit of the THERMOTRONIC automatic
climate control included as standard has a mass flow regulating concept
whose automatic operating principle meets individual comfort requirements
for every occupant. New features include completely autonomous adjustment
options for the driver and front passenger sides, also for the individual
automatic modes with their climatic settings of "Focus", "Medium" and

As a world first, the new S-Class Sedan has an "active perfuming system" as
part of the AIR-BALANCE package. 'Active' means that the perfuming system
is switched on and off manually, with manual adjustment of the intensity. The
perfume atomisation system individualises the smell of the vehicle interior. It
neither changes the interior smell permanently, nor are perfume molecules
deposited on fabric surfaces or clothing.

Another feature of the AIR-BALANCE package is improved filtering of the
outside air fed into the vehicle interior by the climate control system, and of
the air recirculating in the interior in air recirculation mode. The filter system
is now even more efficient, and is able to reduce the peak levels of certain
gaseous emissions while lowering their concentration below the perception
threshold. Ionisation is another component of the AIR-BALANCE package,
the air from the climate control unit being conducted into the interior via an
ioniser. In a combined operating mode this renders certain viruses, bacteria
and spores inactive (cleaning effect). At the same time the air can be freshened
by an increased concentration of negatively charged oxygen ions (relaxing

Multimedia features: communication centre and concert hall
A completely new multimedia generation with intuitive operation and
particularly tangible functions thanks to visualisation and animations
celebrates its debut in the new S-Class. Other innovations include the
multi-user system, which allows independent access to the media sources
of the entertainment system from any seat. The new S-Class is also the first
sedan car to be equipped with the unique Frontbass system as standard. With Page 8
this system, the woofers are installed within the bodyshell and use the almost
40-litre space in the cross-member and side member as a resonance chamber.
Several hundred developers worldwide contributed to the new Mercedes-Benz
multimedia generation, compiling more than 30 million lines of programming.
The centrepiece of the new COMAND Online system is the Intel Atom, a
processor whose performance fully equals that of components in the latest

Numerous new functions extend the multimedia options available, and
transform the S-Class into a communication centre or a concert hall as

The new S-Class is the first vehicle worldwide to offer a genuine multi-user
system for entertainment functions. This means that there is independent
access to the media sources of the entertainment system from any of the four
seats ? i.e. radio, TV, internet, navigation, DVD player and USB-connected

The driver control function for all the seats is another new feature. The driver
is able to route any audio or video source to the display and headset of any
passenger. At the touch of a button the driver is also able to have one of the
audio sources in use played via the onboard loudspeakers.

The innovative Frontbass system developed by Mercedes-Benz and used for
the first time in a sedan car is a feature common to all the audio systems: the
woofers are housed in the firewall, and use the almost 40-litre space in the
cross-member and side member as a resonance chamber. As alternatives to the
standard sound system with ten loudspeakers, two very high-quality audio
systems are available which were developed together with hi-fi specialists at
Burmester: Burmester? Surround Sound system and Burmester? High-End
3D Surround Sound system.

The interactive presentation of content is a prominent new feature of the Page 9
navigation function. The new navitainment functions include an animated
compass, the "Driveshow" for passenger information as in an aircraft, and the
display of Google Maps on the head unit and in the rear.


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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Google Maps Chief Steps Down

Google Maps Chief Steps Down

I suppose after bringing Apple to its knees in the map arena, Jeff Huber felt it was time to move on to bigger and better things within Google. Huber will now be with Google X, the division that concerns itself with Google?s so-called secret projects.

He just finished his first decade at Google ? having worked on some of our most complicated issues like ads, apps, payments and geo ? and now he is eager to work in more of a start up like environment."


Posted by Al 6:01 PM (CST)??


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Video: 14 killed in fireworks explosion

>>> in central mexico, at least 14 people were killed at a massive fireworks explosion. it happened during a religious celebration when a firework malfunctioned and landed a truck that was filled with unused fireworks, igniting all of them. more than 150 people were injured, many of them with severe burns. helicopters, ambulances and soldiers from a nearby military base helped bring the victims to hospitals.


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Ohio high school football players guilty in rape case

ADDS FATHER'S NAME - Trent Mays, 17, left, gets a hug from his father, Brian Mays, after Trent and co-defendant Ma'lik Richmond, 16, were found delinquent on rape and other charges after their trial in juvenile court in Steubenville, Ohio, Sunday, March 17, 2013. Mays and Richmond were accused of raping a 16-year-old West Virginia girl in August 2012. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, Pool)

STEUBENVILLE, Ohio ? Two high school football players were convicted Sunday of raping a drunken 16-year-old girl at an all-night party.

Judge Thomas Lipps announced his verdict after reviewing evidence from the four-day trial.

The case attracted international attention because the charges were brought after students talked about the incident in a YouTube video and texted naked photos of the girl to each other.

Trent Mays, 17, was sentenced to a minimum of two years in juvenile detention, with the maximum sentence being until he reaches the age of 21. Ma?lik Richmond, 16, was sentenced to a minimum of one year.

Richmond wept openly after the verdict was announced. After the sentencing, both teens apologized to the victim, who was from a nearby West Virginia town, and the community.

Mays received the extra year for a charge of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material. He apologized for taking the photo of the girl, posted online, that brought the case into the public eye.

About 30 protesters against violence directed at women applauded and cheered outside the courthouse when the verdict was announced.

Both teens maintain their innocence. The accuser took the stand Saturday and testified that she could not recall what happened the night of the attack before waking up naked in a strange house.

The alleged victim said she drank a mixed drink, spiked punch and a shot before leaving the party with Mays, WKYC in Cleveland reports. The girl said she suspects she was drugged because of how intoxicated she became that night.

"I remember walking down the steps and in the street. That was it," she said.

story continues below

The prosecution says Mays and Richmond sexually assaulted the intoxicated girl in the back of a car, and then in the basement of a house where she later awoke, naked. She testified she could not find her cellphone, earrings, shoes or underwear.

"It was really scary," she testified. "I was embarrassed and scared. I didn?t know what to think. I couldn?t remember. I woke up with no clothes on. I didn?t know what happened at all."

The girl said she did not learn of the alleged assault until she saw a photo from that night and a friend gave her the link to a video posted on YouTube in which a student joked about the assault.

When the accuser was shown a nude photo of herself that students had shared through text messages, she broke down and cried on the stand.

She testified she did not remember being photographed as Mays and Richmond carried her, in an image that was widely circulated on social media sites.

Gionna Anile, a former friend of the alleged victim, testified she tried to stop the girl from leaving the party with Mays and Richmond.

Anile testified she picked up the alleged victim the next morning where she found her lying on a couch in the basement of a Steubenville student?s home, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports.

The alleged victim did not seem upset, Anile said, and was primarily concerned with finding her cellphone.

Anile asked the girl what happened the night before.

"We didn?t have sex, I swear," the alleged victim said at first, according to Anile. But soon after that the girl said she didn?t remember what happened.

Next Page >

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