Monday, December 26, 2011

Freshman class superlatives (Politico)

It?d be great if our elected officials could act like adults. But as the latest payroll tax extension food fight shows, Congress really is just like high school.

In real high school, superlatives are given to seniors, but in Congress, the freshmen are just so much more interesting. So here?s POLITICO?s look at the best and worst from the historic freshman Class of 2010.

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1) Most likely to succeed:

Karen Bass ? If the name doesn?t sound familiar, it?s because this California representative is one of the nine (10, if you include special election winner Kathy Hochul) freshman Democrats so obscured by the enormous class of Republicans that they sometimes are referred to as ?the forgotten nine.? But Bass, who holds an urban Los Angeles district, is working hard behind the scenes to ingratiate herself with fellow Democrats by recruiting women leaders for the party. The former speaker of the California State Assembly looks more and more like a Pelosi-in-waiting each day.

James Lankford ? This Oklahoma freshman looks like an adolescent, sounds like Barry White, and has the unlikeliest of r?sum?s for success in politics. But the former Christian camp counselor has proven to be a quiet, disciplined and effective voice for his colleagues, earning respect on the Budget Committee. He also holds a safe Republican seat in his state, meaning that if he can keep the conservatives in his district happy, the freshman lawmaker should have a long career in Washington.

Runner-up: Tom Reed ? Ask those close to leadership who their favorite freshmen are, and this New York Republican immediately comes to mind. Ever since he won a special election to replace Eric Massa last year, Reed has been central to leadership?s dealings with the freshmen. And he was rewarded for that with a conference committee position on the payroll tax bill (though he may not thank them for it forever.) If Reed survives New York?s redistricting process, expect him to be a player in future sessions.

2) Biggest Jock:

Adam Kinzinger ? This former Air Force pilot is tight with leadership, often organizing press conferences in support of their efforts, inevitably finds his way into every ?Hottest on the Hill? list and stresses over how to stay fit while living Washington?s sedentary lifestyle. If the Capitol really were a high school, he?d be the freshman starting on the varsity football team, speaking at the pep rallies and hanging out with the seniors after school. You might want to hate this Illinois Republican, but then he?d be nice to you in the hallways and your rebellious little teenage heart wouldn?t know what to make of it. Kinzinger just got engaged to his girlfriend, a fellow Air Force captain. Sorry, ladies.

3) Most likable:

Sean Duffy ? Fellow freshmen and leadership alike talk about Duffy like he?s their earnest younger brother in need of protection from the cynicism and chicanery that dominates Washington, probably with good reason ? the fresh-faced Republican and former Real World star faces tons of pressure to hang on to a Wisconsin seat he took from the now-retired Democrat David Obey in 2010.


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