Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Holistic Approach to Health by Beauty Shop

A Holistic Approach to Health

We have all heard the old adage that a healthy mind is a healthy body so just how do you go about striking the perfect balance? Keeping your mind healthy is a relatively straightforward task that won?t change the way you normally live your life. Stimulating the brain helps to keep the mind healthy and happy.

Crosswords and puzzles are a great form of mental exercise. Word games like Scrabble make your mind engage in problem solving and are a great way to keep your thinking sharp. Access all corners of your brain by using day to day gadgets, like calculators, less. Mathematics may not be your thing but most of us can do simple arithmetic and using parts of your brain that are generally underused is a ideal means of utilising all the knowledge stored up there.

Challenge your brain by learning and experiencing new things outside of your usual routine. Ever dreamed of learning how to sail or pondered over the possibility of taking up pottery? Having a hobby is a good way to release your creative capabilities and stretching your brain beyond its usual daily remit is effective at keeping both mind and body happy. A simple thing you can do absolutely anywhere and which really gives your brain a workout is switching hands. Try using your less dominant hand for simple tasks like eating or writing, which can push your brainpower a little bit extra.

Healthy eating is essential for overall wellbeing and doesn?t need to be difficult. Adding fresh fruit and vegetables to your daily diet is a simple way of staying healthy. Some types of fruits and vegetables are especially potent and give you double the dose of goodness; generally speaking the brighter the colour the greater the amount of antioxidant properties so stock up on colourful treats that pack a powerful punch. Aim for five portions of fruit and vegetables every day and your mind and body will thank you for it.

Eating whole grains is another easy way to aid good health. Wholemeal bread and brown pasta help to up your intake of good grains and work wonders for wellbeing. It is often advised that all this healthy eating should be complemented with a spot of exercise to complete the equation.

Improve fitness and overall health immeasurably by embarking on a frequent exercise regime. You need to raise your heart rate to a good working level four times a week for 30 minutes to make changes and it doesn?t matter what time of day you exercise, so long as you do it.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle not only leads to a healthier body and mind, it can also lead to a healthier wallet too. When shopping for life insurance, for example, you may find that some health insurance companies enquire about your health and fitness levels, rewarding customers perceived to be healthier with lower premiums. What?s more, you don?t have to interrupt your daily health regime to find cover either as you can investigate, research and arrange life insurance online, leaving you with even more time to cook a healthy meal or go for a cycle!

Isla Campbell writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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