Wednesday, October 31, 2012

5 Top Traffic Sources to Build Your List | How to Start a Membership ...

Whether you manage a non-profit or own your own business you know how important it is to the health of your organization to have a vibrant and growing email list.

Huge email lists, can be bought or inherited but most commonly they are collected the old-fashioned way ? one at a time.

The website or ?vehicle? for collecting emails is known as a ?squeeze page?.

It?s called a ?squeeze? page because usually the only way to exit the page once you are on it, is to enter your email address and ?click? the ?submit? button ? thus? the page is ?squeezing? you into giving up your email address.

The squeeze page, is the true blue friend of anyone building a list, but they don?t work alone, meaning you can?t put them online and hope people will just find them and sign-up to your list.

To be successful you need to drive traffic to your squeeze page, and there are several ways to do this.

Here, we will cover five top traffic sources, which have generated a lot of success this year.

(This is in no particular order because one is not necessarily better than another in all scenarios.)

#1 Paid-For Ads, On High Ranking Websites

Paid-for or sponsored links are most commonly purchased through Bing?s ad-center or Google?s Adsense. This is also known as PPC advertising. The PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click as each click on your ad will require you to pay more.

This is considered one of the fastest but most expensive methods for generating traffic and building your list.

However, you must pay careful attention to the targeting parameters, and how your ad is written, if you only want to pay for and attract certain types of people to your squeeze page.??

#2 Banner Ads

Banner ads are quite similar to PPC ads, only that generally you pay one fee, which covers the cost of hosting your banner ad on some website for specific time-period.

Typically, a 125 by 125 ad placed on the sidebar of a website can be an economical method ? able to send laser targeted traffic to your squeeze page.

However, special care in the creation of your banner and in the choice of sites your banner will appear can make a huge difference in how effectively they will perform.

Banner ads also have another obstacle to overcome, that being ?banner blindness? so it may behoove you to get an experienced graphic designer to create it for you.

#3 Solo Ads

A solo ad is simply a marketing term for getting someone that already has an email list and paying them to send your squeeze page offer to their subscribers.

Non-profit organizations may accept trading ads, however entrepreneurs may need to find a Joint Venture partner if they want to trade ads. You can find people to trade with in the JV section of the Warrior Forum ( or at Safe-Swap (

It?s easy to find people with huge, highly targeted lists. How much the list owner believes your ad will effect the values of his or her list, how big the list is, and how targeted it is will all come into play when buying or trading solo ads.

Another consideration is how much more clout the ad is worth because when it?s sent via email from another party it essentially caries the recommendation of the list owner!?

#4? Directory of Ezines

The directory of ezines has recently been updated and we?ve been members of it for many years.? There you can find a lot of ezine editors that will let you send a solo ad to their lists (usually large lists) for less than half the price traditional solo ads cost. Of course, with ezines you?ll have to share space with other solo ads. You can think of it as buying an ad in a traditional magazine. You?ll lose some of the direct ?recommendation? mojo you?d get from a traditional solo ad, but if you can get a compelling image into an ezine you may do quite well!

#5 Pinterest

Pinterest is the new social media kid on the block. It really exploded this year in popularity. If you can create interesting images that beg to be shared, then Pinterest can drive a strong torrent of traffic to your squeeze page.

You?d simply create the ?sharable images? and post them on your Pinterest board attached to your website link.

As Pinterest is a social-media website, it will behoove you to also interact with the Pinterest community by sharing and re-pining, liking and commenting on other Pinterest member?s images and pin-boards!

#5 Your Signature and Profile Pages

Think of how many people you come into contact with throughout the day through email and social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Not to mention, you have no idea how many times an email you have sent once, will be forwarded.

Every one of these forms of communication allows you to permanently affix a link to your squeeze page.

But, no-matter what methods you use to drive traffic to your squeeze page the #1 factor that will contribute to it?s success still resides in the quality of your squeeze page itself!?

The only problem with making all those squeeze pages to build your lists up?

It?s super time consuming to do it all! Plus you need to be technical savvy to figure out all the HTML formatting, graphic placement, testing links, and fighting to integrate your auto-responder code?into pages and then putting it all together so a sales flow works properly after they sign up from your page.

The solution?

Our new Squeeze Ninja Software!

To make it all super easy for you we created this first truly point and click software

It used to be very time consuming to do this but not anymore :)

our new Squeeze Ninja software let?s you

- create unlimited campaigns on the fly

- build entire squeeze funnels in about 3 min

- monetize with your own products or done for you products

- spend less than half the price of inferior software

and so much more!

You?ll be able to build & profit from your lists faster & easier than ever before!

Just take a look at what some powerful list builders have had to say about our new ?Squeeze Ninja? software at:

We are using this in our own business and we think it?ll help you with yours as well.

To Your Success!

Warm Regards,
Jeremy & Simon

Tags: email marketing software, Jeremy Gislason, list building software, ninja squeeze, Simon Hodgkinson, squeeze ninja, squeeze ninja software, squeezejinja


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