Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A black footballers union? Are you mad? Surely that's racist - Le Grove

Arsene Wenger didn?t come out and say it, he meant it so he and I agree on something at long last!

If I started a White footballers Union I would be called a racist, or does racism only work one way? I?m sure that Rio Ferdinand didn?t actually say it, but if he did then that?s as bizzare as having a Federation of Black policemen, its racist.

Racism is racism whatever colour you are if you have an organisation that excludes a race, then you become as bad as the people you are trying to protect, or is that concept too difficult for a footballer to grasp?

Enough on that, let me tell you a story about my day yesterday, I got a call from Arsenal asking why I didn?t renew my Club level tickets, firstly let me say he was a very polite young man, I told him because we had a manager that didn?t invest in buying players.

He was genuinely shocked, he said but we bought Podolski, Cazola and Giroud, I said yes but we sold Song and Van persie for more, surely the job of a manager is to at least spend the budget he has.

I then asked him to justify Gazidas?s bonus, he struggled with that one as if other members of Arsenal?s staff also did.

He then said Wenger?s salary was on par with his peers so I said he earns far more than Wigan?s manager, he said Wigan?s manager wasn?t a peer, I said why not, they?ve won what we have, nothing.

Needless to say it was an amusing conversation and he refused flat out to partake in an interview on this blog.

He was actually calling me to ask if I wanted to buy some season tickets, you know the same ones that one of our Grover?s yesterday were told by Arsenal there was a 7 year wait for.

Arsenal just can?t stop lying can they! Lies, lies, lies.

Onto tonight and the Champions league game, a tough team to play whether or not it?s on the back of a Norwich away loss.

Schalke have won their last 5 including a useful one against Dortmund, they also have ?a player called?Klaas-Jan Huntelaar who you may remember scored the first ever goal at the Grove, so we need to be sharp at the back.

As we all saw last night, even top teams like Barca can be vulnerable and this Schalke team are no mugs, it?s vital to win our home games in this competition so we need a big improvement from Saturday.

I think we?ll be miles better because the criticism must have hurt and we can?t possibly play as badly as that again, can we???

I?m not going to guess what team we put out but needless to say I hope we play 4-4-2 and we never see Mannone again.

I somehow doubt either will happen though. Any sort of win will do me but a stylish one would be great, Arsenal I think you owe us one tonight.

Have a great day Grovers and if you are going, stay away from the worst fans in Europe!



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